Laying down in your bed, you hear this consistent knocking. You try to sleep through it but it seems as if it will never quit. Curious, you roll out of bed away from the comfort of your wife’s warm body but cautiously move closer, step by step downstairs into the direction of the sound. Each step you take wondering whether or not your house is being robbed. You finally ease your way downstairs and quickly flip the light switch only to find your home empty and totally void of any damage or evidence of a theft of any kind; however, you still hear the sound. You notice it’s coming from your front door, but its 3 A.M. on a school night. The hairs on the back of your neck begin to rise and your heart beats faster, wondering who is violently knocking on your front door. You remember the incident at your store where a brick was thrown through the window and how you angered the community by canceling a game and blemishing a season with such a historical start. You pull the shade back on the front door, revealing not an angered parent, but Timo Cruz, once a player on your basketball team that you haven’t seen for weeks, covered in blood. You hastily unlatch the door and invite him in. At first sight, he begins muttering the events leading up to him now covered in his cousin’s blood. He tells how he scared off some bullies for the other players on the basketball team with the gun in his waistline, but only to witness his cousin slaughtered from across the street.
This is a scene from the award-winning movie, Coach Carter, as well bit of the struggles Coach Ken Carter faced and overcame while on his way to coaching his team to the high school state championship game. Coach Carter, which won 3 awards and received 10 nominations for best d...
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... the high school basketball team to graduate from college.
The championship game loss helps the audience, especially young adults with high, aspiring dreams, to understand, that even if you do work-hard and aren’t awarded with winning your goal, this isn’t the end of your journey. It only means you have to work harder in the future, if you want to succeed at your goal. This conclusion shows young children how to lose properly and how to be grateful for what they have, since being good a winning is a much easier task. For like a quote from Colin Powell, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” The under-class, basketball players learned from the mistakes in the title game, so they could go farther and win next year’s championship, because failure should never be your excuse to not attempt something.
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