MEAT ROLLS لفائف اللحم


Rolls Ingredients
2 Glasses Flour + 2 Eggs + 3 Glasses Water + ½ Tea spoon Salt
Stuffing Ingredients
½ Kg mince MEAT + 2 Onion fine mince + ½ Glass green pea + Salt + ¼ Tea spoon Black pepper + ½ Tea spoon Cumin
Sauce Ingredients
2 Glasses Tomato (squeeze and filtered) + ½ Glass Lemon juice + ¼ Table spoon from (salt + black pepper + cumin) + 2 Table spoon Oil

Method of Preparation

Put all the ROLLS ingredients in the mixer , mix them until they becomes liquid, heat a teffal pan and spread little oil inside it , then flow a big spoon from the liquid , and leave it until it’s cooked , and don’t wait to be roasted , then flip it , prepare the stuffing by roasting the onion , then add the MEAT , the pea, the spices , when it’s cooked , put all the sauce ingredients on the oven for fifteen minutes , after that start stuffing the ROLLS with the stuff , then roll them , arrange them in the Pyrex try , flow over them the sauce put the try in the oven for half an hour .. Take it out... and serve it hot...

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